I came across this photo a few years ago, and I always feel compelled to track it down and revisit it annually around this time of year. I am not sure where we went wrong with the "spirit of the season," but somewhere along the way, holidays have gone from being about
* peace * love * thanks * togetherness *
Replace that now with...
* gluttony * spending * consumerism * greed *
Define necessity. The verb 'need' is grossly misused. No one NEEDS a Tickle Me Elmo (who gets that reference? Did I just age myself there?) We rarely need anything that can be put on a list. There are The Tangibles - food, water, shelter, a source of income. And The Intangibles - love, happiness, etc. But never has a pair of shoes or a movie subscription calmed my soul. Don't get me wrong, they are fun. But define necessity.
People often dread the 'getting together' part of the holidays. Probably because of the fighting and stress that most often is as a result of a months-long shopping spree full of lists, seeking, searching and empty bank accounts. What if we took a year off of buying fruitcakes for each other to rest up and look forward to our time together?
If you want to give something, why not help out a charity? They are ones that help people, animals, etc. to achieve true, tangible necessities. Is it better to give Uncle Don a new tie, or a hungry child a meal?
Define necessity.
For ideas on ways to satisfy true need this holiday, check out https://www.justgive.org/