Friday, October 18, 2013

Riff-Raff is Unavoidable

Greetings on a lovely autumn day here on the east coast!  I am currently in Pennsylvania working from Athena Study Abroad’s newest office here in Western PA.  In addition to this office, and our headquarters in Columbus, Ohio, we are also currently recruiting for an Academic Relations Representative position to be stationed in California, so we are working every day to get ourselves a little closer to wherever you are!

I decided to start this blog because I realize that I am in a unique position to share my experiences with all of you, so that maybe you can see yourself in me, in what I did or didn’t do, and what the future holds for you.  I am a mother, wife, sister, daughter, company owner, coworker, boss, friend, but underneath it all…..a simple small town girl turned globe-trotting nomad.   I have gone from being a young student (more years ago than I care to count!...ahem you are supposed to say ‘no Stacy, that can’t be true, you look like you are still in college!’  I’m waiting…) who came from a small town, and decided to venture to Europe without any friends to seek the learning experience of my life, different from anything anyone in my circle of family or friends had ever done.  Hands down, that experience shaped the direction of the rest of my life. 

While on my study abroad program to Toledo, Spain,
me and a new friend Nancy on a field trip to
Alicante, Spain.  Love the dress with those enormous flowers??

After working at law firms, schools and universities, I now sit here in the office of my study abroad company, almost 10 years old (the company, not me, although thanks for getting around to that ‘young’ compliment!), working to achieve the values that are important to me, and I hope to many of you, both students and colleagues in the field.  Getting study abroad out to as many students as possible – to students like I was, who think this experience is bigger than their small town.  Bigger than something they can attain with their limited financial resources.  Bigger than what their parents or families thing is “reasonable” or “practical.”  Bigger than anything they could achieve.  Unattainable.  Wrong. 

You can do this.  I did.  Many of us have.  Many of us still plan to.  The main thing standing between you and your dreams is you.  Anyone and everyone you look up to – teachers, politicians, business people, musicians, actors, writers – all of them were “just people”…and still are…who had a dream.  Some have more resources available to them than you.  Some have more connections available to them than you.  But you have more resources and connections than other people too.  Drive, stamina and a dream is what it is all about.

As I write this, my husband has been on the phone for an hour arguing with an unnamed but quite inept and absurdly useless phone company (I know that doesn’t narrow it down much) and that has me thinking about how many of these inane and tedious tasks take up our time and break us down to the point that things that will actually satisfy our souls are thrown by the wayside only to be replaced by yelling at an automated answering systems.  “ENGLISH!  TWO! …SPEAK TO SOMEONE!....SERVICE ISSUE!”

That riff-raff is unavoidable.  But as the saying goes, you make time for the things that are important.  You are reading this blog instead of doing your homework, handling work emails, or getting much needed sleep.  Admit it.  Because daydreaming and planning is your priority right this second. 

So you want to go abroad?  Do it! 

  • You don’t have the money?  Most students can use financial aid for study abroad.  There are scholarships everywhere!  Athena offers many scholarships, and like many other organizations I’m sure, we have fewer students applying for these scholarships than we should.  Students self-select themselves out.  Why?  Never count yourself out!
  • You don’t think you can get credit for your work abroad?  Most schools now will allow you to transfer in credits back into your program so you don’t lose a step!
  • You can’t go because you don’t know anyone going.  Neither did I!  Believe it or not, strangers don’t bite.  Unless you get between them and their gelato.
  • You can’t go because you are an athlete, because your parents don’t want you to go, because you will miss your boyfriend/girlfriend too much…..

The excuses are endless.  But they are just that – excuses.  Study abroad is not for everyone.  But the fact that you are reading this tells me that you are one of those who might be destined for it.  And if you are, then throw away the can’ts and let in the list of can’s.

In the future of this blog I will provide useful little tidbits of things that have made my travel and business adventures easier, more fun, resources that have helped me along the way, and lessons I have learned and want to pass on to you.  And you can always feel free to submit questions to me or topics you would like me to speak to.  I want to provide a resource that will help you find your path.

Wander on.

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